Do NOT use One-Touch-Switching (OTS). Please read and understand the following information. Contact us if you need help.
This information is about One-Touch-Switching to Tove Valley Broadband (TVB), i.e. you are signing up for a TVB service and you wish us to notify your current supplier of broadband that your existing account with them should be cancelled.
OFCOM's OTS process relies on the fact that your telephone and broadband service is supplied over the old-fashioned copper wire circuits of BT and switching between service providers is done not physically at your premises but "elsewhere" - the new service is still provisioned over BT land-lines.
TVB service is delivered direct to your premises and is competely separate from BT's (or other) land-line circuits. For this reason, OTS is not appropriate for new TVB members.
If you wish to move away from TVB, you can simply notify us or use the new provider's OTS service. The new supplier will arrange notification to us and we will cancel your membership and pay a pro-rata refund of any broadband subscriptions you have already paid. Please note that TVB are not responsible for any telephone services over the broadband (VOIP) you may have arranged and these contracts will not be terminated by us.
OFCOM's OTS compliance covers both broadband and telephone services. Tove Valley broadband does NOT provide a telephone service but as a broadband user, you can sign up to one of several VOIP services. See the following documents from our library for more information on VOIP. Any new VOIP service from BT have charges which are far more expensive than others simply because you will be paying them for their broadband connection over which their VOIP service runs.
An OTS service will notify your current supplier that they should cancel broadband and telephone services but this will result in your current telephone number being cancelled and you then may not be able to transfer this number to a new telephone service supplier. It will certainly be difficult for you to recover any situation with regard to your current telephone number if you use a OTS.
The proper and safe way to carry out a transfer of your existing telephone number is to sign up for TVB and then sign up for a VOIP telephone service during which you will be offered a "phone number porting" service. The VOIP provider will then transfer your number and cancel your existing service. The VOIP provider will not cancel any broadband service so, once your new broadband service and telephone service are running, you cancel your remaining broadband contract with the supplier.
Remember, if you proceed with your application to join TVB directly and NOT through OTS, you and we have far more control over the process and it will result in a better experience for both. Our help-line responses are very quick and within 24hrs.